Monday, April 16, 2012

Katy Perry Trying To Make Suicide Sexy Pics

Katy Perry Trying To Make Suicide Sexy Pics
 The Pro-Suicide movement has just got a huge boost thanks to musician Katy Perry agreeing to be their spokesperson to promote the positive side of suicide.

“I just feel that suicide gets a bad wrap.” said the singer, “I mean what is so great about living? Lots of people do that. I say be an individual don’t follow the crowd!”

The suicide rate, especially among teens, has dropped in the last couple years, and this trend disturbs Katy Perry.

“I just hate to see the kids today miss out on an important rite of passage. I mean everyone should at least try killing themselves once. Lets face it, if your life sucks when you are 15 or 16 years old it will probably never get better, so what do you have to lose?”

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