Friday, April 20, 2012

Katy Perry In Bondage Pictures

Katy Perry In Bondage Pictures
As you can see in the photos below, Katy Perry is wearing the traditional bondage outfit of tight black leather, while being handcuffed and posing in hapless positions.

I don’t know what it is with you infidels and bondage. When I was doing a tour with Al-Qaida in Iraq and was detained for questioning. Your heathen soldiers use to get a great joy from tying us up while naked and making us pose provocatively for photos while pointing at our spectacular Muslim genitals. I know the nude male Muslim body is very impressive to you Westerners, but forcing bondage is no way to go about seeing it.

Anyway, Katy Perry has once again proven herself to be sick gutter skank. She has the moral fortitude of a cheap pirate hooker, as these bondage pictures show.

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